Resources about Ruby On Rails

A good starting point if you want a good panel of different websites discussing about or explaining Ruby On Rails :


Sometimes, the most time consuming part of learning a new programming language is simply installing a working version of the software. With help from these resources, you’ll have Rails up in no time.

Manual Installation

If you’re interested in getting Rails to work on your own, you’ll need to follow the following steps:

  • Ruby – First you need to download Ruby.
  • Ruby One-Click Installer – If you’re having difficulty getting Ruby to run try this installer (Windows only).
  • RubyGems – Then you need to download RubyGems (package manager).
  • Ruby on Rails – Finally, download Rails.
Automatic Installation

Why do all of the work when someone else will do it for you? Here are two options for automatically installing Rails.

  • Instant Rails – One-click Rails installer for Windows. Includes Ruby, Rails, Apache and MySQL all pre-configured and ready to run.
  • Locomotive – Self-contained one-click Rails installer for Mac OS X.

These step-by-step guides will walk you through the installation process.


If you’re looking to build Rails apps remotely (of course you are!) you’ll need a hosting company that supports Rails. These Web sites list some of your options.

  • RailsWebHosts – Extensive hosting list provided by the official Ruby on Rails Web site.
  • Rails Hostings – An excellent breakdown including user reviews of the various Rails hosts.


Once you’ve installed Rails it’s time to start coding. Here are a few starting points for you.

Beginner Tutorials

After you’ve installed Rails you should be ready to start developing applications. The following links are starting places for learning the foundations of Ruby, Rails and building your first apps.

Advanced Rails Tutorials

Once you’ve mastered the beginner tutorials, check out this section for information on taking your Rails experience to the next level and building more dynamic applications.


Books are key items in every programmer’s arsenal. Unfortunately, books are often difficult to navigate, bulky and may not have all the pieces of information you’re looking for. Lucky for you, we’ve found several Ruby and Rails books online that have the information you need, making them excellent additions to your library.


You’re not truly immersed in Rails unless you’re reading another programmer’s blog. Here are a few of our favorites.

  • Web 2.0 with Ruby on Rails – Fantastic blog containing multiple Rails tutorials and links.
  • Rails Envy – Excellent resource for advanced Rails programmers.
  • The Rails Way – Instructional Web site for learning the “best practices” in Rails application design.
  • Ruby Inside – A very informative blog listing the happenings and new applications emerging in the Ruby community.
  • Ruby Underground – Contains information for advanced Ruby programmers.
  • Ruby on Rails Security Blog – Focuses on developing security apps with Rails.
  • Web On Rails – Resource for advanced Rails programmers.
  • Riding Rails – The official Rails blog.
  • Ruby On Rails Blog – Contains multiple instructional Rails articles and useful links.


Sometimes we get so stuck, that the only place we can turn to is our all-knowing peers. Here are a few online communities ready to help you out.

Cheat Sheets

If you’re the type of coder that likes to tackle multiple projects and different languages at a time, you might find yourself confusing the different syntaxes. Here are a few cheat sheets to keep you on track.


If you’re unsure how operate a particular method or would like to know the capabilities of a particular class check out these documents.


Our list wouldn’t be complete if we left out these Web sites.


If you want to check out what everyone else is doing with Rails, these Web sites are for you.


Here are some of our favorite links illustrating why Rails is such a solid language.

EBook : tout sur le Wifi

Un ebook sur le Wifi réalisé par Nantes Wireless, très complet et en français. Il s’adresse aux :

  • Les débutants désireux de découvrir la technologie du Wi-Fi et souhaitant une documentation complète.
  • Les étudiants en quête de documentation technique pour leur présentation ou dossier.
  • Les particuliers désireux d’installer un réseau sans fil chez eux.
  • Les professionnels voulant approfondir leurs connaissances dans certains domaines tel que la transmission de données par exemple.

Consulter l’ebook

Symfony with Xampp

Si vous rencontrez un souci de page blanche (page vide, rien à l’écran) lorsque vous testez votre sandbox Symfony toute fraîche, la solution est ici :

Affichage d’une page blanche

Si lorsque vous appelez la page index.php du dosser web de votre sandbox, vous obtenez comme réponse une page blanche, faîtes la manip suivante :

  1. Rendez-vous dans www\sf_sandbox\apps\frontend\config
  2. Editez le fichier settings.yml
  3. Dans prod .settings, rajoutez la ligne : strip_comments: off
  4. Enregistrez, quittez et faîtes symfony clear-cache dans la console

La page blanche devrait maintenant laisser place à une belle page de félicitations !


Install InstantClient on Ubuntu

There are many tutorials, but I want to complete with some tricks I just found :

  1. in your .bashrc, just add at the end :
    # Oracle instant client
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/sinclair/Products/instantclient_10_2
  2. in your untargzed directory of ruby-oci8 installation, create a script file with :
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/sinclair/Products/instantclient_10_2
    ruby setup.rb configure
    make install
  3. launch this script with sudo command

Ruby vs Java

Un article avec évidemment un parti pris, mais qui met tout de même en avant quelques avantages certains à programmer en Ruby…

Quelques perles :


Class Circle
private Coordinate center, float radius;

public void setCenter(Coordinate center)
{ = center;

public Coordinate getCenter()
return center;

public void setRadius(float radius)
this.radius = radius;

public Coordinate getRadius()
return radius;


class Circle
attr_accessor :center, :radius

ou encore :


new Date(new Date().getTime() - 20 * 60 * 1000)



UML tools under Linux

After some researchs, I have tested Umbrello which is directly installable from Synaptic and Bouml that you can find here in deb format package.

I found that Umbrello is very intuitive, you can import Java classes, make some code reverse engineering and of course generate code. But you don’t have all UML schemas (for example, I didn’t find sequence diagram).

Bouml includes every UML diagrams that I known and is a good alternative.