If you want to delete files by size (here files of 912345 bytes):
find . -size 912345c -print -exec rm -f {} \;
If you want to delete files by size (here files of 912345 bytes):
find . -size 912345c -print -exec rm -f {} \;
Be careful with CKeditor, if you get a javascript error “line 23” or “line 24” with “unsupported property or method” : CKeditor doesn’t like that your form had a submit button named “submit”
If you get an issue with TCPDF and link inside html content, here is a little patch (apply it in tcpdf.php file) :
// get attributes
// patch
if ($dom[$key][‘value’]==’a’)
$element = str_replace(‘\\\”‘, ‘”‘, $element);
// en patch
preg_match_all(‘/([^=\s]*)=[“]?([^”]*)[“]?/’, $element, $attr_array, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
$dom[$key][‘attribute’] = array(); // reset attribute array
while (list($id, $name) = each($attr_array[1])) {
$dom[$key][‘attribute’][strtolower($name)] = $attr_array[2][$id];
If you want to put a white background instead of black background, add this piece of code :
$path_parts = pathinfo($file);
if ($path_parts[‘extension’]==’gif’)
$img = imagecreatefromgif($file);
$imgr = imagecreatetruecolor($neww, $newh);
$bgc = imagecolorallocate ($imgr, 255, 255, 255);
imagefilledrectangle ($imgr, 0, 0, $neww, $newh, $bgc);imagecopyresampled($imgr, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $neww, $newh, $pixw, $pixh);
There is an issue with PHPMailer and AddEmbeddedImage method.
In some email client, you will get image as an attachment and not inline as expected.
To fix that, patch the class.phpmailer.php with following :
$disposition = $this->attachment[$i][6];
$cid = $this->attachment[$i][7];// patch
$path_parts = pathinfo($filename);
$extension = $path_parts[‘extension’];
// end patch$mime[] = sprintf(“–%s%s”, $this->boundary[1], $this->LE);
// patch
//$mime[] = sprintf(“Content-Type: %s; name=\”%s\”%s”, $type, $name, $this->LE);
$mime[] = sprintf(“Content-Type: image/”.$extension.”;\n”);
// end patch
$mime[] = sprintf(“Content-Transfer-Encoding: %s%s”, $encoding, $this->LE);if($disposition == “inline”)
$mime[] = sprintf(“Content-ID: <%s>%s”, $cid, $this->LE);
You can get more explanation about last InnoDB error with this mysql command:
If you want to test a SSL connexion (like “telnet <host> 80”), you can use this command :
openssl s_client -connect <host_ssl>:443
Thanx to skanx !
Follow these steps to install new kernel to your sheevaplug :
sudo modprobe ftdi_sio vendor=0x9e88 product=0x9e8f
dmesg (to get wich ttyUSB)
kermit -l /dev/ttyUSB1 -b 115200
> connect
> root / nosoup4u
> reboot
> [during UBoot, cancel boot with a key]
> follow instruction of one new kernel
If you need to reset your uboot environnement : http://www.plugcomputer.org/plugwiki/index.php/Factory_Default_u-Boot_Environment
Kernel with dm_crypt support : http://photon123.dyndns.org/sheeva/README-2.6.31-06466-g4c203e00
Some great tips about embedded span or div and issue with vertical align :
Mysql Migration Toolkit has an issue with varchar different from varchar(255) : it considers that it is not useful to force utf8 for these fields !
Here is a solution, found here :
Dans la fenêtre “Source Database”, activer le bouton “Advanced” et compléter le champ “Connection string” avec :
jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://server:1433/database;user=user;password=password;useUnicode=true;domain=Dans la fenêtre “Target Database”, activer le bouton “Advanced” et compléter le champ “Connection string” avec :
jdbc:mysql://server:3306/?user=user&password=password&useServerPrepStmts=false&useUnicode=true,en remplaçant bien sur “server” et “database” par leurs valeurs respectives.
Ensuite, ne pas modifier les options qui permettent de changer l’encodage des caractères : les valeurs par défaut font l’affaire. Et voilà !