Conversion Mysql -> Sqlite

Après quelques minutes heures de batailles, enfin un script qui fonctionne pour convertir votre schéma + vos data Mysql vers Sqlite. Merci à nfuria sur SOF

Je pensais la conversion simple via une option directe dans mysqldump… Pas du tout, c’est le parcours du combattant pour passer du format Mysql à Sqlite. Ce script est le meilleur : il fonctionne d’un coup (j’en ai testé 5 autres avec différents niveau de succès). L’astuce du script est que plutôt que vouloir retravailler le dump mysql à la main en virant les caractères non acceptés par sqlite ou en supprimant certaines instructions SQL, il se base sur le module (fiable) SQL::Translator de Perl.

Nécessite donc d’avoir le paquet “sqlfairy” installé.

#         USAGE: ./  
#   DESCRIPTION: Converts MySQL databases to SQLite
#                Triggers are not converted
#  REQUIREMENTS: mysqldump, Perl and module SQL::Translator, SQLite 
if [ "$#" = 2 ]; then
    echo "Usage: $0  "
if [ -s $1.db ]; then
    read -p "File <$1.db> exists. Overwrite? [y|n] " ANS
    if [ "$ANS" = "y" ] || [ "$ANS" = "Y" ] ; then
        rm $1.db 
        echo "*** Aborting..."
# extracts the necessary structure for SQLite:
mysqldump --skip-triggers --skip-add-locks --routines --no-data --compatible=ansi \
    --compact -u $USER --password $1 > /tmp/$1_$$_str.sql
# verify
if [ ! -s /tmp/$1_$$_str.sql ]; then
    echo "*** There are some problem with the dump. Exiting."
# translates MySQL syntax structure to SQLite using the script "sqlt" of the
# perl module SQL::Translator (that corrects the foreign keys, indexes, etc.)
sqlt -f MySQL -t SQLite --show-warnings /tmp/$1_$$_str.sql \
    1> /tmp/$1_$$.sqlite 2> /tmp/$1_$$_sqlt.log
# verify
if [ ! -s /tmp/$1_$$.sqlite ]; then
    echo "*** There are some problem with the sql translation. Exiting."
# adds statements to allow to load tables with foreign keys:
echo "PRAGMA foreign_keys=OFF;" >> /tmp/$1_$$.sqlite
echo "BEGIN TRANSACTION;" >> /tmp/$1_$$.sqlite
# extracts the data (simple inserts) without locks/disable keys, 
# to be read in versions of SQLite that do not support multiples inserts:
mysqldump --skip-triggers --no-create-db --no-create-info --skip-add-locks \
    --skip-extended-insert  --compact -u $USER \
    --password $1 >> /tmp/$1_$$.sqlite
# adds statements to finish the transaction:
echo "COMMIT;" >> /tmp/$1_$$.sqlite
echo "PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON;" >> /tmp/$1_$$.sqlite
# correct single quotes in inserts
perl -pi -e ' if (/^INSERT INTO/) { s/\\'\''/'\'\''/g; } ' /tmp/$1_$$.sqlite
# load the sql file and generate the SQLite db with the same name 
# of the MySQL database
sqlite3 $1.db < /tmp/$1_$$.sqlite 2> /tmp/$1_$$sqlite.errlog
# verify
ERRORS=`cat /tmp/$1_$$sqlite.errlog | wc -l`
if [ $ERRORS = 0 ]; then
    echo "* Conversion complete. Verify the file < $1.db >"
    rm /tmp/$1_$$*
    echo "*** There are some problem. Verify the files < /tmp/$1_$$* >"

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