Vista event: Helsinki

Vista is released now, for everybody ( and for only 300€).


On the big Kamppi square, in Helsinki’s downtown, a Vista show takes place, like in almost everey capital.

3 days before the openning, building in progress:


So, I waited 3 long day…. hard, this gig is sposorized by, Elisa (Finnish provider), Xbox, LG, a chips brand, Coca-Cola, HP, Samsung etc…

Show must go on:


Chips coke and coat-room for free, teens will enjoy.

LG’s ultra-small laptop:


Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning,


take the control of the ship and win a picture, made in real time with a green screen:


This parody is a free finnish movie, (free means than you can click on this lick and download it 🙂 also available in english )

Some Creative products:




Mp3 player, bluetooth headset and ultra slim cell-phone (9mm)

Elisa show:

Real-time video

With a lot of convincing arguments:


Just to suscribe on their Digibox Canal+.


Xbox games:


And the best Momo Jacky Car by Microsoft:


To conclude, I saw only one presentation of Vista with the fancy Aero interface, wich seems cheap compared to Beryl/Compiz/Xgl.

Thx for the Coke and chips.

Mind mapping / brain storming collaboratif

Un superbe outil que voilĂ  : Thinkature

Il permet de travailler Ă  plusieurs, en direct, en mode web 2.0 sur l’Ă©laboration d’un shĂ©ma, d’un projet, d’une architecture. Il offre entre autres la possibilitĂ© de chatter en texte ou en audio,  d’avoir un mode stylo main libre, d’insĂ©rer des images, des boites, des connecteurs. RĂ©alisation superbe, tout est sauvegardĂ© automatiquement, Ă  dĂ©couvrir d’urgence.


Salaire des patrons français dans le secteur IT

Les dirigeants français les mieux payés
dans le secteur des technologies de l’information
Salaire annuel*
Atos Origin
Bernard Bourigeaud
2 881 576 €
Cap Gemini
Paul Hermelin
1 638 000 €
Dassault Systèmes
Bernard Charlès
1 262 500 €
Business Objects
Bernard Liautaud
1 115 413 €
Didier Lamouche
946 655 €
Jean-Michel Aulas
765 000 €
Jean-Claude Labrune
662 616 €
Christophe Aulnette
593 050 €
GFI Informatique
Jacques Tordjman
547 181 €
François Enaud
415 606 €
* Sur l’exercice fiscal 2005

Petit exercice : 2 881 576 / 12 =  240131.30 Euros / mois

MĂŞme si on parle surement ici de brut, qu’est-ce qu’on peut bien faire avec plus de 200 000 Euros par mois ?


Phrase du jour: Pascal Nègre PDG Universal Music France

« Je ne sais pas si vous avez une voiture, mais si vous avez une voiture, elle roule soit Ă  l’essence, soit au gazole , eh bien votre moteur n’est pas interopĂ©rable. Vous pouvez pas mettre du gazole dans un moteur Ă  essence. »

No comment, source

MAJ : à lire absolument, le grand jeu Pascal Nègre sur le forum de Ratiatum :

Connecting Bluetooth device: Ubuntu

I own a “cheap-o-dongle-microtune” usb of course who look like that: (but with rubber tape around)

And a Nokia with the bluetooth feature.

First, plug the dongle…. easy and os-independant.

Add/remove > Bluetooth File Sharing or sudo apt-get install gnome-bluetooth obexserver bluez-utils bluez-passkey-gnome

And, OOOoooo, left clic to any file, send:


It’s working, with a nice GUI.

I’ve some troubles to send multiples files, so, I made this send-bluetooth.gz, extract to the ~/.gnome2/nautilus-script/ folder (left-click menu).

Now you can use your cellphone as a storage device.


And even download new wallpapers.


If you encounter strange problems, here is a complete How-to.

Once again, Ubuntu / Linu Rocks, since for the same dongle, used with Windows Xp, need some illegal/cracked Widecom/Microtune drivers.

(you can check once plugged, that it is detected with $ lsusb and you should have a line like:

Bus 001 Device 006: ID 0f4d:1000 Microtune, Inc. Bluetooth Dongle

I already imagine yours complains:”Yea but it’s only a one-way connectivity”

Actualy, no:

Send via bluetooth any file from your phone to your pc, and, a nice screen appear:


Here we go, enjoy.


Vous pouvez dire, en voyant des appareil photo basic, ” il est en bois ton appareil”, et grace a ce manifique article, dĂ©sormais vous pouvez rĂ©pondre: ” non il est en papier”

Faisant des photos comme ca?:

Tout de suite je vous sent dĂ©ja jalou, car vous n’avez qu’un pauvre D400.

Donc, voila la source, avec le pdf prĂŞt a imprimer.

Comme ca, ca vous fait un truc de plus en carton après le dragon.

Rails, Paginator et has_many associations

Par défaut, le mélange de ces 3 ingrédients ne fonctionne pas sous Rails.

La solution est lĂ  :

I dove into RoR Pagination yesterday (ActionController::Pagination), and while it’s great for paginating all data in a model, it really sucks for paginating data from an activerecord association (and by really sucks I mean doesn’t support).

Here’s the problem. Say I have a user who has a collection of photos:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :photos, :conditions => 'photos.is_deleted = false', :order => 'photos.created_at DESC'


I want to have the ability to feed the user’s photos to the paginator. Unfortunately, the paginate function simply takes a collection id, and will not accept a set of data (an association, in this case). So, if I want to paginate photos on a user, I have to do this:

@photo_pages, @photos = paginate :photos,
:conditions => ["photos.user_id=? AND is_deleted = false",],
:order => "photos.created_at DESC"

What a mess. Now i’ve lost the benefits of my association, since I have to define the association as part of the pagination rules. Very suprised Rails handles things this way, as it seems to violate the basic DRY principles. Anyways, I only had to write code like this a few times to realize how much of a pain in the ass it is, and I created a “paginate_association” method to help me out.

def paginate_association(object, assoc_name, find_options = {}, per_page = 10)
page = (params[:page] || 1).to_i

item_count = object.send(assoc_name.to_s + '_count')
offset = (page-1)*per_page

@items = object.send(assoc_name).find(:all, {:offset => offset, :limit => per_page}.merge(find_options))
@item_pages = self, item_count, per_page, page

return @item_pages, @items

I added this to my ApplicationController (application.rb), and now I can paginate assocations til the cows come home.

@photo_pages, @photos = paginate_association @user, :photos, :order => 'created_at'

This helper uses the Rails Pagination stuff, so you can easily use paginate or paginate_association with the same view. Great!

You can also pass additional “find” arguments, such as :order, :include, :join, etc…

Hopefully this is as useful for you as it’s been for me!
