Minitel rose killer : WEB2.0 everywhere

Here we go, after the taxed number by Wengo for computer support, another kind of service appeared (still for G33K5)


    • You want a “Horny call”, subscribe, select your partner and your phone ring.
      • You wanna earn money and you are “Horny callable”, same but let you called.

      Isn’t it wonderful?

Jajah….. inconvenient again

I use a lot Jajah, and I can say even if the quality is perfect; I’ve been encountered 2 annoying features:

– Call back agent, who charge your call after 5 ringtones even if your friend didn’t respond (by harasing them via mail I got refund of 10€ for that)

– Limitation when changing your number:

Maximum number of changes per phone category exceeded allowed limit. Please contact support.

So, I cannot change my source number anymore… I will definitly quit this service, But I cannot find a good one similar and cheap. & partenariat

Pour répondre aux différentes annonces de neuf et de wanadoo, free annonce l’écoute illimitée d’un bon nombre de titre sur le site de son partenaire :, à la différence des autres FAI: ce n’est simplement que du partenaria.

• Free lance son service de musique à la demande illimitée et gratuite avec : Ce service permet d’accéder gratuitement, de façon illimitée et légale à des centaines de milliers de titres de tous genres musicaux, de tous les catalogues, sans exclusivité (1).


Je ne vais pas m’éterniser sur ce sujet, mais tout simplement ajouter deux ou trois petit lien:

Une note sur sur ce sujet et surtout:

Comment “enregistrer sous” ces fichier flash en mp3 grâce à,

Un plug-in pour FF

Un script php

Si vous testez une de ces solution merci de laisser un feedback.

Une seule chose à dire: All your base are belong to us

I’m afraid this is really true…

The Matrix is a system, Neo, and that system is our enemy. When you are inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters, the very minds we are trying to save. Until we do, these people are part of that system and that makes them our enemies. You have to understand that most of these people are not ready to be unplugged and many are so hopelessly dependent on the system, they will fight to protect it. The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.

Morpheus in The Matrix

SIP/VOIP/PHONE 2.0 providers reviewed

After one year, this SIP revolution is being more and more reliable, so I’ve been testing for you many phone providers:

  • (for frenchs only)
  • (UK only)

Call back service, provide your home/mobile number and your friend’s and will call both and connect them together.


Client for cellphone(3G,gprs,edge (java)), or web based to establish the call (not VOIP)
Does’nt need a computer/headset

Your number is displayed when you call


Need a phone/cellphone

Per minute call even if not terminated

Translation service, give you a landline phone number (in your country) for each of your friend abroad, and you pay (if terminated) about 0.12€/min to reach a cellphone abroad and 0.00€ if he/she hang of and call back the displayed number (local landline phone number in her/him country)


Doesnt need a computer (only to add your friend’s numbers, but can be done by sms)

Per minute call but only if not terminated

The number displayed on your friend’s phone will permanently reach you


You still pay a fee to reach this number from your mobile (subscription)

Not easy to understand

Not your number displayed when you call

Mix of Jajah and Sip provide, can either call back or use a Sip client.


Cheap, very cheap

Your number is displayed when you call


Need a computer or computer+phone, no cellphone client (java) (for frenchs only)

Sip provider, only for frenchs, belgians and swiss.


Free call to landline

Open protocol (SIP)

Incoming number


Not so good quality (UK only)

Sip for wifi roaming, only for UK.


Very cheap

Incoming number


Only for nokia Nseries phone

Only for UK

To sum up, I’m using more and more Rebtel to phone abroad and Jajah for local call since Jajah ask 0.35€ for a non terminated cellphone-cellphone call ( and append quite often….)

I didn’t talk about Skype as long it’s not free to landline and use a closed protocol

If you have any information about new and more efficient provider, leave a message, Thx.

Your printer is spying you !

Unbelievable, I just discovered that my printer was spying me !

When you print on a color laser printer, it’s likely that you are also printing a pattern of invisible yellow dots. These marks exist to allow the printer companies and governments to track and identify you — presumably as a way to combat money counterfeiting. When one person asked his printer manufacturer about turning off the tracking dots, Secret Service agents showed up at his door several days later.

The global explanation and the list of affected printers is here :

Something to see with 9/11 event ?

UPDATE : here are some examples from a printer I can play with :

118 XYZ : fiasco total

Un article de 01Net relate le fiasco total des services de recherche téléphonique : les acteurs du 118 XYZ qui ont (mal) pris la relève du défunt 12.

Le meilleur passage de l’article :

L’association donne l’exemple d’un appel de cinq minutes passé depuis un mobile SFR après une mise en relation effectuée par le 118 000. Le coût total de l’appel sera facturé 6,15 euros. Soit un prix à la minute de 1,04 euro. Un peu cher pour une communication, surtout si elle est en local.

Welcome back to the past : 3617 et son 5 Francs la minute.

Cross domain security iframe communication

Une solution trop peu connue je trouve qui permet de communiquer entre IFrame avec des domaines différents : la technique du fragment identifier.

– un excellent document qui fait le point sur le problème et les différentes solutions pour la communication entre domaines :

– la doc de Dojo qui explique pourquoi ils ont choisi cette solution et comment ça fonctionne :

– un architecte de Microsoft qui décrit également cette solution qu’ils ont utilisé pour leur techno Windows Live, les avantages et inconvénients. L’article se situe entre les pages 14 et 18 du PDF linké à cette adresse :

– un exemple fonctionnel :
(discussion ici)