Layer effects : GIMP

A really really great plugin for your Gimp software :

Layer effects

List of supported effects :

  • Drop Shadow
  • Inner Shadow
  • Outer Glow
  • Inner Glow
  • Bevel and Emboss
  • Satin
  • Color Overlay
  • Gradient Overlay
  • Pattern Overlay
  • Stroke

And what is the best : you can make dynamic test with a preview button without doing and undoing your work everytime !

It’s a shame that a simple Python plugin can make what has fed gorgeous troll for so many years all over the world about layer effects lacks in Gimp (as opposed to Photoshop)… Thanks for this piece of software, this is a truly piece of peace !
Hint : you have to use Python version to benefit of the preview button

Wikipedia needs you !

Vous vous servez de Wikipedia ? La réponse ne peut être que “Oui” 🙂

Wikipedia représente pour vous un idéal d’accès à la culture et aux connaissances ?

Vous vous demandiez comment changer la planète aujourd’hui ?

Do it right now, même un little $1 est suffisant pour aider la fondation Wikimedia (financement des serveurs, de la bande passante, des administrateurs, …).

Wikipedia Affiliate Button

How to make a favicon

With Linux / Ubuntu / Whatyouwant here is the process to generate a favicon (found on :

Your problem

You want to create an icon for your website (which is displayed in the browser’s location bar). You already know, that you have to place a file called favicon.ico in your web server’s document root directory. But how can you create one?

The solution

You need an image file that GIMP can open (PNG, GIF, etc.). And you need the command line tool ppmtowinicon from the netpbm-tools (on SuSE you have to have installed the package netpbm). Now perform the following actions:
# Open your image with GIMP.
# If your image is not a square then resize the canvas with GIMP.
# Scale the image to 16×16 pixel (Image, Scale image).
# Choose File, save as.. and save as favicon.pnm or favicon.ppm with raw encoding.
# Close GIMP
# Convert favicon.pnm resp. favicon.ppm using the command line utility ppmtowinicon:

> ppmtowinicon -output favicon.ico favicon.pnm


> ppmtowinicon -output favicon.ico favicon.ppm


Désactiver bip système sous Linux

Le bip système, la première chose à désactiver lorsqu’un linux est fraîchement installée (à moins que vous n’aimiasses ce bip relaxant chaque fois que vous activiates la completion).

How to :

sudo pico /etc/modprobe.d/options.conf

ajouter à la fin :

install pcspkr /bin/true

Puis :

sudo modprobe -r pcspkr

sudo modprobe pcspkr

Und voilà !

Choose your laptop: Fn and Ctrl keys

Be carreful when choosing your new laptop, it can end in a real nightmare just for 2 keys:

Regular Ctrl (strong) and Fn

List of vendors:

– Hp/Compaq

– Acer

– Asus
– Sony

– Toshiba

Very annoying non conventional layout Fn THEN Ctrl:

List of vendors:
– BenQ

– Asus

– Lenovo

– Fujitsu

Since it’s alternate key, managed by the keyboard controller, you cannot remap or swap it with a software.
Alternatively you can pop it up and use a conductive paint to remap it:

FN / CTRL-Key Switch Mod

(Hardcore mod inside)

Move mysql datadir : errno 13

If you are using Mysql with Ubuntu, be careful with apparmor when you move your mysql datadir.

If you’re symlinking to databases outside /var/lib/mysql and you’re getting unexpected “(errno: 13)” (permission denied) errors, check your MySQL settings for AppArmor (particularly on Ubuntu as of 8.04) or SELinux. Specifically, make sure your new path is listed in /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld then restart apparmor.


Wireless (Vlan or Wifi) problem solved on Eee PC 701 running Ubuntu 8.10

From now ( 1/11/2008) wireless doesnt work out of the box.

To solve this issue:

First, disable closed source drivers:

System > Administration > Hardware Drivers: Desactivate Support for Atheros 802.11 wireless Lan cards

Then in terminal

sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-2.6.27-7-generic
(complete with tab with smth ending with generic to select the good kernel if the package doesnt exist)

Reboot, and voilà!

You can also get a better experience with Hotkey, webcam and sound working by installing the custom kernel, especially deseigned for Epc: