TCPDF : html content and href link empty

If you get an issue with TCPDF and link inside html content, here is a little patch (apply it in tcpdf.php file) :

// get attributes
// patch
if ($dom[$key][‘value’]==’a’)
$element = str_replace(‘\\\”‘, ‘”‘, $element);

// en patch
preg_match_all(‘/([^=\s]*)=[“]?([^”]*)[“]?/’, $element, $attr_array, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
$dom[$key][‘attribute’] = array(); // reset attribute array
while (list($id, $name) = each($attr_array[1])) {
$dom[$key][‘attribute’][strtolower($name)] = $attr_array[2][$id];

PHP Imagick black background gif transparency

If you want to put a white background instead of black background, add this piece of code :

$path_parts = pathinfo($file);
if ($path_parts[‘extension’]==’gif’)
$img = imagecreatefromgif($file);
$imgr = imagecreatetruecolor($neww, $newh);
$bgc = imagecolorallocate ($imgr, 255, 255, 255);
imagefilledrectangle ($imgr, 0, 0, $neww, $newh, $bgc);

imagecopyresampled($imgr, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $neww, $newh, $pixw, $pixh);

PHPMailer : inline image seen as attachment

There is an issue with PHPMailer and AddEmbeddedImage method.

In some email client, you will get image as an attachment and not inline as expected.

To fix that, patch the class.phpmailer.php with following :

$disposition = $this->attachment[$i][6];
$cid         = $this->attachment[$i][7];

// patch
$path_parts = pathinfo($filename);
$extension = $path_parts[‘extension’];
// end patch

$mime[] = sprintf(“–%s%s”, $this->boundary[1], $this->LE);

// patch
//$mime[] = sprintf(“Content-Type: %s; name=\”%s\”%s”, $type, $name, $this->LE);
$mime[] = sprintf(“Content-Type: image/”.$extension.”;\n”);
// end patch
$mime[] = sprintf(“Content-Transfer-Encoding: %s%s”, $encoding, $this->LE);

if($disposition == “inline”)
$mime[] = sprintf(“Content-ID: <%s>%s”, $cid, $this->LE);

Archos 405 Gen 5: hack and add UBS host female connector

Archos Gen5 have USB host capability, but no way for me to pay 30 extra bucks to get it, and it’s still an extra accesory to carry along (Mac-like….).

So, I just follow this cable extension schematic, and solder inside 4 cable for the usb, and a 220kohms resistor. Then nicely dremeled and glued.



1 VCC Red +5 VDC
2 D- White Data –
3 D+ Green Data +
4 GND Black Ground



