Author Archives: Tweepy
Display current MP3 title in GAIM played with AMAROK
Useless feature but…..
So you have Ubuntu, Amarok and of course Gaim.
So download Slashexec source for Gaim from here.
cd ~/Desktop
tar -zxvf gaim-slashexec*.tar.gz
cd gaim-slashexec*
sudo apt-get install gaim-dev
sudo make install
Restart Gaim and in Tools>Plugins>/exec (activate)
Activate also “Text remplacement” and add a rule with:
/exec -o echo `dcop amarok player artist` – `dcop amarok player title`
I think you can find the good command for any other player.
In the help file you can see a function, to display to the buddy “-o”.
Adding the -o flag to /exec causes SlashExec to send the output to the conversation (i.e. the buddy or chat receives the output). For example, /exec -o ls -1R | sed 's/ /\\ /' will cause the output to be sent.
Mail temporaire: le must
Comme le site ne répond plus et celui d’éphé saturé, je suis parti a la recherche d’un service similaire sur le net a savoir la fourniture d’email temporaire jetable pour luter contre le spam.
Encore mieux, vous vous rendez sur cette page, il vous génére un mail en haut a droite, vous le copiez coller, et automatiquement le mail que vous devez recevoir s’affichera sur cette même page.
Freezing HOAS flats (Helsinki): Valve Hacked
You are freezing in you student Hoas flat, in Helsinki, Finland?
This how to can help you.
The heater is thermostatic (thermo regulated) with a capsule which bend with the temperature,
So if you remove the regulator (dont worry, it will not leak) you will have something like that:
And then the radiator will be always on the maximum power.
You can still sign the petition : HOAS’s Appartment Heating (Helsinki) in order to increase the heating.
Vista event: Helsinki
Vista is released now, for everybody ( and for only 300€).
On the big Kamppi square, in Helsinki’s downtown, a Vista show takes place, like in almost everey capital.
3 days before the openning, building in progress:
So, I waited 3 long day…. hard, this gig is sposorized by, Elisa (Finnish provider), Xbox, LG, a chips brand, Coca-Cola, HP, Samsung etc…
Show must go on:
Chips coke and coat-room for free, teens will enjoy.
LG’s ultra-small laptop:
Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning,
take the control of the ship and win a picture, made in real time with a green screen:
This parody is a free finnish movie, (free means than you can click on this lick and download it 🙂 also available in english )
Some Creative products:
Mp3 player, bluetooth headset and ultra slim cell-phone (9mm)
Elisa show:
With a lot of convincing arguments:
Just to suscribe on their Digibox Canal+.
Xbox games:
And the best Momo Jacky Car by Microsoft:
To conclude, I saw only one presentation of Vista with the fancy Aero interface, wich seems cheap compared to Beryl/Compiz/Xgl.
Thx for the Coke and chips.
Vidé-o-tron, à la sauce mon mari Réné
Phrase du jour: Pascal Nègre PDG Universal Music France
« Je ne sais pas si vous avez une voiture, mais si vous avez une voiture, elle roule soit à l’essence, soit au gazole , eh bien votre moteur n’est pas interopérable. Vous pouvez pas mettre du gazole dans un moteur à essence. »
No comment, source
MAJ : à lire absolument, le grand jeu Pascal Nègre sur le forum de Ratiatum :
Connecting Bluetooth device: Ubuntu
I own a “cheap-o-dongle-microtune” usb of course who look like that: (but with rubber tape around)
And a Nokia with the bluetooth feature.
First, plug the dongle…. easy and os-independant.
Add/remove > Bluetooth File Sharing or sudo apt-get install gnome-bluetooth obexserver bluez-utils bluez-passkey-gnome
And, OOOoooo, left clic to any file, send:
It’s working, with a nice GUI.
I’ve some troubles to send multiples files, so, I made this send-bluetooth.gz, extract to the ~/.gnome2/nautilus-script/ folder (left-click menu).
Now you can use your cellphone as a storage device.
And even download new wallpapers.
If you encounter strange problems, here is a complete How-to.
Once again, Ubuntu / Linu Rocks, since for the same dongle, used with Windows Xp, need some illegal/cracked Widecom/Microtune drivers.
(you can check once plugged, that it is detected with $ lsusb and you should have a line like:
Bus 001 Device 006: ID 0f4d:1000 Microtune, Inc. Bluetooth Dongle
I already imagine yours complains:”Yea but it’s only a one-way connectivity”
Actualy, no:
Send via bluetooth any file from your phone to your pc, and, a nice screen appear:
Here we go, enjoy.
Vous pouvez dire, en voyant des appareil photo basic, ” il est en bois ton appareil”, et grace a ce manifique article, désormais vous pouvez répondre: ” non il est en papier”
Faisant des photos comme ca?:
Tout de suite je vous sent déja jalou, car vous n’avez qu’un pauvre D400.
Donc, voila la source, avec le pdf prêt a imprimer.
Comme ca, ca vous fait un truc de plus en carton après le dragon.
Use Stadia’s SSH/Proxy Tunnel: Ubuntu
Use Stadia’s SSH Tunnel: Ubuntu
This tuto is also suitable for any SSH Proxy in any School. I’m a student of Helsinki Stadia Polytechnic (Finland).
(HOW to for Windows (stadian-tunnel.pdf) (in Finnish but pictured))
Gnome SSH Tunnel Manager
A graphical front-end for managing ssh tunneled portredirects, dockable in systray
Debian pakage for Ubuntu
Download and install it
the in Ubuntu>Application>Internet>gSTM
Add new Tunnel >
Login: student number (0******)
Autostart if you want it.
Add port redirection
Then Start, enter your stadia’s password
SwitchProxy Tool
Install this Add-on for a more convenient proxy switching in FireFox
And Add a new Proxy with localhost and 8080 in every protocols
Then Apply in the FF’s Proxy Bar
Here we go, we are connected trought the school’s network
IEEE’s Website is reachable now:
“Welcome Helsingin Ammattikorkeakoulu Stadia”
Is writtend in the banner, dunno what it means, but now you can also use the MOT-Dictionary and translate it.